Space Drum

US$ 19.00
You can download the manual and more detailed information about the Space Drum by clicking here.
- More tonal character (hitting closer to the center) - 4 velocity splits/2 round robins
- More harmonic character (hitting closer to the edge) - 4 velocity splits/2 round robins
- Stopped (palm muted) - 4 velocity layers
- Rock 'n' Roll mode (standard chromatic tuning) - 4 velocity splits/4 round robins
- Taps (hitting the frame) - 5 velocity layers/5 round robins
- Flams (double hits on the frame) - 5 velocity splits/5 round robins
- Swishes (palm swishes across the frame) - 7 variations
Bonus loops
- .rx2 format (for most major DAWs)
- SAGE format (for Spectrasonics Stylus RMX)